How Speakol Helped a Digital Medical Platform Increase Conversions Through Native Advertising.

Great business ideas are joining the market every day. With new ideas and features, reaching your audience and attracting new customers to maximize conversion rates can be challenging, especially in a competitive digital market.
Everyone has a goal; you either want to raise brand awareness, enter a new market, increase revenues, or drive conversion rates. For Altibbi, the last one was mostly the case. Altibbi is an Arabic digital health platform founded in 2008 based in Jordan.
It provides up to date medical information, medical FAQs, glossaries, and reports.
Its newest feature is a live chatbox where you can get instant consultations and information from a live team member at any time. Based on their insights, Altibbi realized that their chatbox received more users than their phone service, and hence had a goal of driving traffic to it to increase conversions capitalizing on this new feature.
Once users contact an online medical representative, they are directed to an SMS subscription form to receive up-to-date data and information. Altibbi quickly realized their need to reach a broad audience who are interested in their digital features.
That is why they decided that native advertising was their next solution. Altibbi ran a 6-week recommendations ad campaign targeting Saudi Arabia, where one of the Kingdom’s telephone operators facilitated the SMS feature.
With Speakol’s extensive publishers’ network, Altibbi was provided several medical and health platforms and websites on which their ads could be displayed, including and not limited to Consulto, WebTeb, Daily Medical Info.
This ensured reaching audiences, who would most likely be interested in engaging with their ads and, even more so, interested in their services. After their 6 -week campaign and reliable work with Speakol’s account managers, their website received over 350,000 clicks and Altibbi flourished with over 3000 successful conversions to subscribed SMS users.
Excited by this campaign’s success, Altibbi continues its innovative partnership with Speakol, an experience that has proved fruitful in achieving their marketing goals. Altibbi is one of many successful advertisers who have partnered with Speakol, cleverly employing native advertising features to secure leads and maximize profits.
No matter what your product or service is or how big your business is, Join us and explore the world of native advertising and what it offers. Don’t believe us? Try us out yourself.