في شهر رمضان.. 5 شخصيات تحتاج لمعرفتها قبل بدء حملاتك الإعلانية

منذ أزمة كورونا، زاد اعتماد الناس على الإنترنت للتواصل الشخصي والاستمتاع والتسوق وقضاء الوقت وغيرها من الأمور. استنادًا إلى تحليل بيانات سبيكول وإحصائياته، حاولنا تجميع المعلومات وعرض الشخصيات المختلفة للجمهور المحتمل خلال شهر رمضان.
هناك 5 شخصيات رئيسية: عشاق الطعام، المحب للروحانيات، ومحبي الترفيه، والمتسوق، والباحث عن التقدم.
هل أنت مستعد للقاء الشخصيات الخمس لمساعدتك على فهم جمهورك وإعداده والتفاعل معه خلال شهر رمضان؟
عشاق الطعام

هذه الفئة تحب روح رمضان وقيمه، ويقضون وقتًا في الصلاة، ويستمتعون بمشاهدة المحتوى الديني عبر الإنترنت، ويحبون تقديم الأعمال الخيرية، والمشاركة في الأعمال التطوعية للقضايا التي يهتمون بها من خلال الحملات الإلكترونية.
لاحظنا زيادة في تنزيل التطبيقات الدينية، وصلت إلى 1860٪ على أساس سنوي منذ رمضان 2020.
لذلك لجذب هؤلاء الصائمين الروحيين، قدم محتوى دينيًا قيمًا. روّج لعلامتك التجارية من خلال خلق فرص للمشاركة والمساهمة في القضايا الخيرية التي تجسد روح الشهر الكريم.
في الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا، يساهم عشاق الطعام في نمو سنوي يزيد عن 125٪ في عمليات البحث المتعلقة بالأغذية خلال شهر رمضان. يبحثون عن مقدمي محتوى الطهي والوصفات التي تقدم الأطعمة والنكهات التقليدية في وقت قصير.
يبحثون أيضًا عن عروض جيدة لشراء البقالة التي تساهم في زيادة تطبيقات توصيل البقالة بنسبة 23٪ في الإمارات العربية المتحدة والمملكة العربية السعودية خلال الأسبوع الأول من رمضان.
مع منتصف الشهر، يتطلع عشاق الطعام أيضًا إلى تطبيقات توصيل الطعام، لذلك تأكد من إنشاء حملات إعلانية جذابة تقدم خصومات وامتيازات لا يمكنهم مقاومتها. وفر تجربة مستخدم رائعة على صفحات الهبوط الخاصة بك. قدم بعض الحيل القيّمة للطبخ، وسهّل أي معاملة أو اتصال.
المحب للروحانيات:

هذه الفئة تحب روح رمضان وقيمه، ويقضون وقتًا في الصلاة، ويستمتعون بمشاهدة المحتوى الديني عبر الإنترنت، ويحبون تقديم الأعمال الخيرية، والمشاركة في الأعمال التطوعية للقضايا التي يهتمون بها من خلال الحملات الإلكترونية.
لاحظنا زيادة في تنزيل التطبيقات الدينية، وصلت إلى 1860٪ على أساس سنوي منذ رمضان 2020.
لذلك لجذب هؤلاء الصائمين الروحيين، قدم محتوى دينيًا قيمًا. روّج لعلامتك التجارية من خلال خلق فرص للمشاركة والمساهمة في القضايا الخيرية التي تجسد روح الشهر الكريم.
عشاق الترفيه:

الرغبة بالترفيه ترتقع خلال شهر رمضان. يبحث عشاق الترفيه عن منافذ ترفيهية مختلفة، بما في ذلك البرامج التلفزيونية والمسلسلات والبودكاست والألعاب، ويستهلكون محتوى رقميًا هائلاً. لذلك، زادت تنزيلات التطبيقات الترفيهية بنسبة 37٪.
لجذب الملايين من عشاق الترفيه، اطلق استراتيجيات محتوى تجذب جمهورك وتشجعهم على التفاعل مع علامتك التجارية أثناء الاستمتاع بوسائل ترفيه جديدة.
حاول حثهم على التفاعل الاجتماعي من خلال إنشاء محادثات واستطلاعات رأي بشأن الموضوعات المختلفة وإظهار اهتمامهم بها.
المتسوق في رمضان:

تجاوز التسوق عبر الإنترنت خلال شهر رمضان 2020 التسوق في الجمعة البيضاء. يلجأ المتسوقون في رمضان إلى شراء البقالة وطلب توصيل الطعام وقضاء الوقت في البحث عن العروض والخصومات.
كما يستخدمون هواتفهم للبحث عن المنتجات وإجراء عمليات التسوق في رمضان والعيد. وحسب التقارير، حدث زيادة في تنزيل تطبيقات التجارة الإلكترونية في رمضان بنسبة 30٪ في العربية ومصر، و 45٪ في الإمارات.
لجذب جميع هؤلاء المتسوقين في رمضان، قم بإنشاء وتنفيذ حملات تستهدف المتسوقين في العيد، مع تسهيل تجربة التسوق الإلكتروني بحيث لا تتجاوز 5 خطوات بسيطة لإتمامها، مع ضمان توفير مخزون لجميع البضائع المعلن عنها.
الباحث عن التقدم:

يسعى الباحثون عن التقدم، جاهدين لبناء حالة ذهنية إيجابية من خلال البقاء نشطين عبر التدريبات المنزلية واليوجا والرعاية الذاتية.
أدى ذلك إلى زيادة الاهتمام بممارسة الرياضة في الإمارات، والسعودية، ومصر، إذ ارتفع بنسبة 115٪ خلال شهر رمضان.
خدمات السوق التي تمكن الباحثين عن التقدم من الحفاظ على تركيزهم وتنظيم مهامهم والبقاء إيجابيين. ابقَ منتبهًا ومتناغمًا مع احتياجات المستهلكين المتغيرة وقدم الحلول ذات الصلة للتواصل معهم.
من خلال تحديد جمهورك المستهدف وتقسيمه إلى شرائح، يمكنك إنشاء استراتيجية تسويق قوية للتواصل معهم وجذبهم أثناء الترويج لعلامتك التجارية وزيادة مبيعاتك وتعظيم أرباحك.
خيارات استهداف الأجهزة

يؤدي استهداف الجمهور المناسب، الأكثر اهتمامًا بإعلانات حملتك، إلى زيادة فرص نجاح الحملة على منصة سبيكول. لذلك، من الضروري أن تحدد الأجهزة التي تريد استهدافها.
تتيح لك منصة سبيكول استهداف أجهزة الكمبيوتر والهواتف المحمولة سواء أندرويد أو iOS.
من خلال استهداف الأجهزة ، يمكنك اختيار الأجهزة التي تفضل عرض إعلانات حملتك عليها. ستساعدك هذه الميزة في تحقيق أقصى استفادة من حملات سبيكول الإعلانية، خاصةً إذا كانت بعض منتجاتك أو خدماتك ستجذب المزيد من مستخدمي أجهزة معينة.
على سبيل المثال، إذا كنت ترغب في الترويج لتطبيق على الموبايل، فسيكون من الأفضل استهداف الأجهزة المحمولة فقط بدلاً من اختيار أجهزة الكمبيوتر.
إذا كنت تخطط لاستهداف أجهزة متعددة، فمن الأفضل أن تقوم بإعداد حملات منفصلة لكل جهاز، من أجل الوصول بشكل أفضل إلى نقاط القوة و القصور في كل حملة، وتحقيق أفضل النتائج الممكنة.
كيفية تحديد خيارات استهداف الأجهزة:
اضغط على إنشاء حملة.
في صفحة خيارات الاستهداف، اضغط على خيارات متقدمة.
عند سؤالك عن أجهزة الاستهداف، يمكنك تحديد الأجهزة التي تريدها وإلغاء التي تريد استبعادها. يمكنك الاختيار بين استهداف أجهزة الكمبيوتر أو الهواتف المحمولة سواء أندرويد أو iOS.
Why Speakol is the Best Network to Market Cryptocurrency Trading Platforms?

Cryptocurrencies have taken the world by storm during the past few years. But what are they? Why are they used? How can you market them through the Speakol network?
Cryptocurrencies are digital, encrypted, and decentralized digital money based on blockchain technology. Unlike the USD or Euro, no central authority manages or maintains the value of cryptocurrencies; instead, their value depends entirely on and distributed among their users. The most popular versions are Bitcoin and Ethereum, but there are more than 5,000 different cryptocurrencies in circulation.
More people are buying cryptocurrencies, chief among which is Bitcoin, to buy merchandise anonymously or as an investment like any other assets, stocks, or precious metals. Bitcoin can be purchased on peer-to-peer networks or cryptocurrency exchanges. Transactions are made with no middlemen, meaning no banks! The price of Bitcoin skyrocketed into thousands in 2017. Ever since then, the price has fluctuated, but during the past few months, the price has soared to new heights, reaching a peak of more than 57,000 thousand USD.
So if you operate a small business that deals in cryptocurrency or tries to generate leads to sell cryptocurrencies through third parties, Speakol is the network where you should market and promote your business.
What are the challenges of marketing Bitcoin?
Marketing Bitcoin is not always an easy feat. You will be challenged with finding qualified leads. If you manage to secure converting qualified leads, you will have to pay an obscene amount per lead, which means your conversion rate will be low and very expensive.
Why market Bitcoin on the Speakol network?
- Speakol is home to more than 500 premium websites in the MENA region, which serves as an extensive traffic source that will drive more traffic to your landing page or website.
- Speakol’s network also allows you to target the GCC in general and the KSA in particular, where the interest in cryptocurrencies is very high.
- Our network provides not only quantity but also quality. You can secure qualified leads who will convert and increase your profits. The network’s conversion rate is very high.
To shed more light, let us walk you through a couple of case studies that show how some of our advertisers have marketed Bitcoin and how their campaigns perform.
Bitcoin Case Study:
The advertiser launched two campaigns, one in Arabic and another in English. The Arabic campaign targeted Saudi Arabia for 3 months, while the English campaign targeted the UAE for 1 month. In both campaigns, the advertiser chose to display his ads on desktops, and mobile devices with iOS and Android operating systems, casting a wide net to reach out to all potential users.
The Arabic ad title was phrased in a way that urged users to click by inviting them to “Join a long list of Saudi Investors and Make Money by investing in Bitcoin.” While the English title was short and direct, highlighting the percentage of profit and inviting users to invest in Bitcoin. The different phrasing shows how advertisers’ should appeal to users of different languages. Tailoring one’s message to different audiences increases the rate of conversion.
Once users clicked, they were directed to a landing page in their respective languages with a fill-in form at the top alongside a list of benefits once registration was finalized. The pages also highlighted the Bitcoin price overtime on a graph and included investors’ testimonials that emphasized the benefits of registering and investing in Bitcoin.
These strategies have proved critical in the success of these two campaigns. The Arabic ad, running for 3 months, was displayed more than 9.8 million times, receiving more than 23 thousand clicks and securing more than 300 leads. While the English, running for 1 month, was as displayed more than 244 thousand times, receiving more than a thousand clicks and securing more than 50 leads.
In a nutshell:
Arabic Campaign Details:
Target Location: KSA
Devices: Desktop
OS: iOS and Android
Duration: 3 months
Impressions: 9,829,259
Clicks: 23,288
Leads: 310
English Campaign Details:
Target Location: UAE
Devices: Desktop
OS: iOS and Android
Duration: 1 month
Impressions: 244,771
Leads: 50
So when launching a Bitcoin lead generation campaign, what should you focus on?
- Use high-quality images
- Tailor your message to your targeted audience. Use a trendy, catchy phrase to encourage people to take action. Avoid using confusing or misleading language.
- Ensure that your ad’s title corresponds to the message you are promoting on your landing page.
- Focus on raising the CTR (clickthrough rate), which reflects the increased number of impressions and your position and rank within a widget.
- Make sure that your landing page is exciting, engaging, and straightforward to encourage users to register.
Marketing Bitcoin through native advertising has proved successful in reaching out to engaged, interested users, securing many qualified leads, increasing sales, and maximizing advertisers’ profits.
So whether you want to promote a cryptocurrency, a real estate business, an automotive brand, banking, e-commerce, or any other sector, Speakol has a diverse portfolio to serve your every need.
Don’t believe us! Try us out yourself.
5 Ramadan Personas that You Need to Know

Ever since the Covid-19 crisis in early 2020, people have turned to the online world to connect with family and friends, stay entertained, consume content, shop, and spend time. Based on Speakol’s data analysis and insights gathered during Ramadan 2020, we have tried to group the information and present the different personas of your potential audience and audience segmentation during this holy month.
We have found 5 major personas: the foodie, the spiritual faster, the entertainment lover, the shopper, and the progress seeker.
Are you ready to meet the 5 personas to help you understand, prepare, and engage with your audience during Ramadan 2021?
The Foodie!

In the MENA region alone, foodies contribute to over a 125% year-over-year growth in food-related searches during Ramadan. They look for culinary inspiration, re-invented recipes that recreate traditional foods and flavors in a short time. They also look for good deals to buy grocery contributing to a 23% increase in grocery delivery apps in the UAE and KSA during the first week of Ramadan. As the Holy month progresses, foodies also look more towards food delivery applications to order food, especially when gathering to enjoy home-cooked meals has become more challenging during this pandemic.
So to accommodate Foodies, ensure that you create attractive and engaging ad campaigns that offer discounts and perks that they cannot resist. Provide a great user experience on your landing pages. Offer some valuable tricks for cooking, and facilitate any transaction or communication.
The Spiritual Faster:

The Entertainment Lover:

Search and interest in entertainment soar during Ramadan. Entertainment lovers search for various entertainment outlets, including television shows, soap operas, podcasts, and gaming, consuming tremendous digital content. Therefore, downloads of entertainment apps have increased by 37%.
To engage millions of entertainment lovers, establish content strategies that engage your audience and encourage them to engage with your brand while enjoying new mediums of entertainment. Try to incite a social interaction by creating conversations and polls regarding topics and shows users are interested and invested.
The Ramadan Shopper:

Online shopping during Ramadan 2020 has exceeded that of Black Friday. Ramadan shoppers shop for grocery, food delivery and spend time looking for offers and discounts. They also use their mobiles to search for products and conduct their Ramadan and Eid shopping. Ramadan shoppers contribute to the surge in e-commerce apps download and the 30% rise in KSA and Egypt shopping queries and 45% in the UAE.
To engage all those Ramadan shoppers, create and tailor campaigns to target Eid shoppers that would appeal to your various audience. Facilitate the online shopping experience so that it does not exceed 5 simple steps to conclude, ensuring that you have an inventory of all advertised merchandise.
The Progress Seeker:

Due to the restrains of isolation and lockdown imposed in certain MENA countries, progress seekers have immersed themselves in productive activities by giving them a sense of control and achievement. They also strive to build a positive state of mind by remaining active through home workouts, yoga, and self-care. This led to an increased interest in exercise across the UAE, KSA, and Egypt, rising 115% during Ramadan.
Market services that enable progress seekers to stay focused organize their tasks, and remain positive. Remain attentive and tuned to the changing consumer needs and offer relevant solutions to engage and communicate with them.
By identifying and segmenting your target audience, you can establish a solid marketing strategy to communicate with them and engage them while promoting your brand, boosting your sales, and maximizing your profits.
Why Promote your NGO through Native Advertising?

NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) are an integral part of our society’s civil society. They have various forms and scales promoting a wide range of causes; they have always been a key player in supplementing local service deficiency and promoting positive amendment within modern society in the GCC and the MENA region. To conduct their work, NGOs have realized that cultivating and sustaining strong ongoing relationships with donors is crucial; therefore, they have used all media outlets to advocate their role, cause, and societal contribution to shape public opinion guaranteeing an outreach to millions of viewers.
Who is your Target Audience?
As an NGO, it is crucial to identify the persona of your donor. Your donors can fall into these 4 categories:
- Individuals
- Legacies
- Foundations
- Corporations.
What drives your Target Audience?
These four categories are driven by a few mechanisms, including a personal sense of community, or a corporate social responsibility, a desire to add value and increase efficiency, a belief in a cause, an awareness of the necessity of showing support, or a desire to show status and strengthen reputation, especially for corporations and foundations.
How Important is Online Marketing?
Recently, NGOs have leaned towards online advertising on social media and the open web, realizing the potential of reaching engaged users on online platforms. NGOs understand that boosting brand awareness, persuading, and motivating users can only occur once they appeal to users’ emotions and desires to help and minimize their resistance to contribute. No better way to accomplish this than through digital platforms.
When is the Perfect Timing?
It is no wonder that religious holidays are regarded as a high season for donations. Just like Christmas in the west, Ramadan, which is almost upon us, is regarded as a perfect time to address your audiences in Egypt, the GCC, and the MENA region.
Why Advertise through Native Advertising?
Native advertising presents an easy access and low-cost channel to reach millions of engaged users and subsequently millions of potential donors. It allows NGOs to convey their message to many engaged users in a non-intrusive or disruptive way, as they browse their favorite websites consuming online content. To the extent that 70% of NGOs have reported updating their marketing strategies to include digital marketing and native advertising. For NGOs, video ads can run an average length of 30-60 seconds long. It is vital that the primary goal be highlighted, be it a financial donation, blood donation, or volunteer participation.
Many NGOs in the MENA region have run donor-targeted campaigns during Ramadan and other religious holidays through the Speakol network. Speakol enables you to reach more than 140 million engaged users on more than 500 premium publishers in the MENA region. Speakol also has top-notch targeting options that enable you to customize your campaigns targeting specific locations, publishers, devices, operating systems, and customer interests.
To bring the idea closer, we will share with you the success story of one of Egypt’s primary NGOs, The Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357.
Case Study:
The Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357, generally known as Hospital 57357, is a unique healthcare institution and a testament to what collectively a society can accomplish. It was established in 2007 promising to provide the best comprehensive family-centered quality care free of charge. It was built by the collective effort of compassionate and generous donors who believed in the necessity of developing pediatric oncology and providing the best health care system to our children.
Wanting to raise awareness, highlight the value of individual and corporate contribution and the value of their work, Hospital 57357 ran brand awareness campaigns on Speakol during the Holy month of Ramadan. The campaigns targeted Egypt, KSA, UAE, and Kuwait, running for 2 weeks. With a budget under $450, the campaign was displayed more than 4 million times and generated over 6 thousand clicks.
In a Nutshell:
Impressions: 4,078,447
Clicks: 5,948
Duration: 2 weeks.
So when launching an NGO lead generation campaign, what should you focus on?
- Identifying the personas you are targeting, be it individuals or corporates.
- Tailor your message to your targeted audience. Use words that appeal to their emotions and rational. Highlight the value of their contribution and their social responsibility.
- Ensure that your ad’s title corresponds to the message you are promoting on your landing page.
- Use visuals that evoke empathy, compassion, and emotions.
Marketing your NGOs through native advertising has proved successful in reaching out to engaged, interested users, securing many qualified leads, increasing sales, and maximizing advertisers’ profits.
So whether you want to promote an NGO, a real estate business, an automotive brand, banking, e-commerce, or any other sector, Speakol has a diverse portfolio to serve your every need.
Don’t believe us! Try us out yourself.
Campaign Device Targeting Options

Targeting the right audience who is more likely interested in your campaign ads raises the chances of your Speakol campaign’s success. Therefore, you must determine the devices you want to target. Speakol allows you to target Desktop, iOs, and Android devices.
With Device targeting, you can choose the devices, where your campaign ads can be displayed. This feature will help you make the best of your Speakol Ad campaigns, especially if some of your products or services appeal more to users of specific devices. So, for instance, if you want to promote a mobile application, it will be better to target mobile devices only rather than include desktops.
If you plan to target multiple devices, it will be best if you set up separate campaigns for each device, to better access the strengths and shortcomings of each campaign, enhance the drawbacks, and achieve the best possible results.
How to set your Device Targeting Options:
- Press Create Campaign
- On the Targeting Options page, Press Advanced Options.
- When asked about Targeting devices, you can select the ones you want to include and deselect the ones you want to exclude. You can choose between targeting desktops, iOS, and Android devices.
Native Advertising, Simply Put.
A simple & 5 min read into what native advertising is and why it’s the latest trend for those looking to sell more and grow their business.

This article has three main parts to describing native advertising:
What it is. How it Works. The Money part.
What is it?
To jump right into it, native advertising is a “non-disruptive” way to sell your products or services by reaching people who are more likely interested in engaging with your advertisement. You have a business idea, a product or service, you’re a small firm or a large well-established business, in any case, you want to sell more, strengthen your market position, increase your brand awareness and ultimately, grow.
Historically, advertising was probably the most efficient way to do that. You want your business to reach as many people as possible, but more accurately, as many interested people as possible, and that’s what we call a qualified lead. Someone who has an interest in buying your product or signing up for your service, as well as the ability to. Even after reaching as many qualified leads as you can, you now face the harder step of converting those leads into customers, and that percentage is what we call conversion rates.
So how do you stand out? Yes, the internet has given way for advertising to reach billions of people around the globe, but the excitement of this advantage has also lead to “disruptive advertisements”. When you’re trying to watch a video on YouTube, or clicking on content you want to view, or even scrolling through an article, you’re bombarded with pop up advertisements that ‘disrupt’ your feed and dis-engages you with what you originally are trying to watch. As a result, more often than not, you probably feel annoyed and just skip the ad or try to get it out of your face as soon as you can without really giving it a chance, even if in reality, this could be a product or service you would be interested in investing it. So there’s a lot of lost opportunities for advertisers because of this.

Hence, the newest adaptation and advertising solution, native advertising.
To put it simply, instead of popping up in your face, the native method is to place ads on widgets, located somewhere on the page you’re viewing in a way that doesn’t disrupt you, on the contrary, it’s listed under “recommended for you”, or “more like this”, or even “more articles you might be interested in”. The point is, your product is now given a fair chance to actually be viewed. Then comes the targeting bonus. If you’re selling a beauty product or service for example, advertising it on a fashion or cosmetics website would usually mean that the millions of viewers going to that website on their own, are probably people who already have an interest towards your content, apply this to anything. At the core of it, native advertising is a way of advertising your product so that it looks like a part of the page you’re viewing it on. Yes, it’s a paid advertisement, but it doesn’t look like that because the widgets and the content advertised in those widgets are both relevant to the platform, as well as designed to blend in with the look and feel of it.
With this, you:
1) Reach millions of viewers every month.
2) Know they are potentially interested since your product is placed on a relevant platform that they are visiting from their own accord.
3) Give your product a chance to be considered because it does not disrupt them, knowing that they freely chose to learn more about you.

Great, so now you know what it is, here’s how it works.
First off, you have to define your target audience, the more accurate the better. Then you need to start creating attractive visuals (picture of video) and come up with engaging captions and titles that also blend in with your product and the platform. After that, its important to link your ad to an aesthetically pleasing and engaging landing page that has all the information a qualified customer needs, as well as a Call to Action (CTA) or submission form to fill out, and a way to reach you. Try to keep it short, sweet and effective.
But how is all this financed? This is the money part.
Basically, publishers agree to have a third party (such as a native ad agency like Speakol) include widgets on their platform, be it a website or application. These widgets contain the ads that you create, whenever a viewer clicks on an ad for example, the publisher receives a certain fee. We’re talking cents, but imagine the thousands of clicks that happen, these cents add up pretty quick and pretty fast to very large numbers. This is what we call Cost per Click (CPC) and is more relevant when you’re goal is to drive conversion rates by having people directed to your linked landing page.
There are other metrics and ways of financing it, such as Cost per Impression (CPM), charged based on how many times your ad was viewed, if your goal is brand awareness. Cost per View (CPV), is you’re launching a video ad and have a goal of wanting your video ad viewed by as many people as possible. As well as Cost per Lead (CPL). Of course, your money comes from your increased sales (and hence, revenue) when these qualified leads are converted into customers, helping you increase your return on investment (ROI) from paying money to launch these ad campaigns.

Account Managers at Speakol are always available to help guide you on best practices, from how to make your ads more engaging, to how to optimize your spending and budget, as well as how to target your ads to the right people, making sure you’re return, is always higher than your investment.
In a new age of advertising, companies all over the world are realizing the value of native advertising, you’ve already been subjected to it by companies such as Facebook or Google, and you might not even be aware of it, & that’s the beauty in it.
So, does all this sound interesting to you? If so, then jump onto the latest advertising solution and join Speakol, the leading AdTech company in the MENA region for native advertising and content recommendation. With the most extensive and premium publishers network in the region, expanding to over 400 websites and applications, we’ll make sure your business starts seeing the growth it deserves, targeting any country or industry you need. With partners and advertisers from every country, industry and background there is.
What are you waiting for? Don’t believe it?