كيف يمكن لعلامتك التجارية الخاصة بالسفر زيادة الوعي وتعزيز المبيعات باستخدام إعلانات المحتوى من سبيكول؟

أدى تفشي وباء COVID-19 إلى تغيير العالم بلا شك. كان له تأثير قوي على الاقتصاد العالمي، لكن قطاع السفر كان أكثر القطاعات تضررًا، إذ انخفضت الحجوزات بنسبة 95٪ في ذروة الوباء، وأبقت العديد من الدول على حالة الإغلاق لفترة طويلة ما أدى في النهاية إلى إفلاس بعض شركات الطيران وتسريح آلاف العمال.
زادت فترة الإغلاق التي عاشها العالم من إحساس الناس بالمغامرة ورغبتهم في الهروب من الواقع. مع عودة الحياة تدريجيًا أشارت استطلاعات الرأي إلى أن نحو 70% من الناس يتطلعون إلى رحلات مقبلة.
ما الذي سيبحث عنه المسافرون في التخطيط لرحلاتهم المقبلة؟
– ابحث عن “السياحة البيئية” بأقل تأثير ممكن على الكوكب.
– تطلع إلى “السياحة الروحانية” التي ستجعل الناس يشعرون بالراحة والاسترخاء.
– انخرط بأمان مع المجتمعات المحلية في محاولة لتكوين روابط بشرية.
– ابحث عن ” أماكن العمل” حيث يمكن الجمع بين العمل والإجازات، خاصة للرحلات الطويلة. [تضاعف متوسط مدة الإقامة من 5 إلى 10 ليالٍ]– اختر “رحلات التحدي” بحثًا عن المغامرات والتجارب المحلية الجديدة.
– طلب تأكيدات السفر بأن حجوزاتهم ستكون محمية إذا تغيرت السياسات وتدابير التقييد.
يشهد العالم نوعًا جديدًا من السفر مع زيادة عدد الرحالة الذين يملكون عقلية سفر جديدة قائمة على التجربة. مؤخرًا يرغب الناس في استكشاف أماكن وثقافات ومناظر طبيعية ومأكولات وأنشطة جديدة وإعادة الاتصال بالطبيعة.
لذلك، إذا كانت لديك علامة تجارية أو وكالة سفر تأثرت بسبب الأحداث الأخيرة، وترغب في إعادة تنشيطها والبدء في تسويق وجهاتك وأنشطتك الجديدة للمستخدمين، فلا يوجد وقت أفضل من الآن للترويج لعملك. تذكر أن 78٪ من المسافرين ذكروا أن المحتوى الإعلامي الذي توفره العلامات التجارية للسفر أثر على قراراتهم الخاصة بالشراء، بينما قال 46٪ أن إعلانات السفر لها نفس التأثير. ليس هذا فقط ولكن 40٪ من حجوزات السفر تتم عبر الهواتف. نظرًا لأن المسافرين يتفقدون الإنترنت دائمًا قبل التخطيط لأي رحلة، لذلك يجب مخاطبتهم واستهدافهم أثناء تصفحهم للناشرين الأكثر ثقة.
لا يتعين عليك امتلاك شركة طيران أو سلسلة فنادق للاستفادة بمميزات إعلانات المحتوى. توفر منصات هذا النوع من الإعلانات طريقة فعالة للترويج لعملك بغض النظر عن حجمه.
تحتاج إلى دمج إعلانات المحتوى في استراتيجيتك التسويقية لأنها ستسمح لك بما يلي:
– الوصول إلى القراء أثناء قراءتهم وتصفحهم للناشرين الأكثر ثقة عبر الإنترنت.
– عرض إعلانات غير مزعجة للمستخدمين المهتمين، مما يزيد احتمالية تفاعلهم مع إعلانك.
– تحقيق أهدافك التسويقية ومنها زيادة الوعي بعلامتك التجارية والزيارات والتحويلات.
– استهداف المستخدمين بناءً على موقعهم الجغرافي (المنطقة، والبلد، والمدينة)، والأجهزة، ومزود خدمة الإنترنت.
– استهداف فئات معينة من المقالات والناشرين مثل مواقع السفر أو الأقسام والمقالات على المواقع الإلكترونية المتميزة.
– استخدام الخوارزميات التي تقدم صورة كاملة لكل مستخدم بناءً على اهتماماته وسجل التصفح، مما يعني أنه يمكنك الوصول إلى المزيد من المستخدمين المؤهلين.
– الوصول للجمهور المستهدف المهتم بموضوعات أخرى إلى جانب السفر. على سبيل المثال، يمكنك الترويج لرحلاتك إلى تركيا للمهتمين بالدراما أو المسلسلات التركية.
– الوصول إلى القراء على هواتفهم. خصص حملات إعلانية تستهدف الهواتف المحمولة، حيث يتم إجراء 40٪ من الحجوزات.
– جذب اهتمام القراء من خلال توفير محتوى ذي صلة وتفاعلي وجذاب باستخدام إعلانات الفيديو التي تقدم تفاعلًا بصريًا.

أدى تفشي وباء COVID-19 إلى تغيير العالم بلا شك. كان له تأثير قوي على الاقتصاد العالمي، لكن قطاع السفر كان أكثر القطاعات تضررًا، إذ انخفضت الحجوزات بنسبة 95٪ في ذروة الوباء، وأبقت العديد من الدول على حالة الإغلاق لفترة طويلة ما أدى في النهاية إلى إفلاس بعض شركات الطيران وتسريح آلاف العمال.
زادت فترة الإغلاق التي عاشها العالم من إحساس الناس بالمغامرة ورغبتهم في الهروب من الواقع. مع عودة الحياة تدريجيًا أشارت استطلاعات الرأي إلى أن نحو 70% من الناس يتطلعون إلى رحلات مقبلة.
كيف يمكنك بدء حملة إعلانات السفر الخاصة بك؟
– حدد الميزانية التي ترغب تخصيصها من أجل إعلانات المحتوى.
– حدد هدفك بوضوح لأنه سيؤثر على نوع الإعلان الذي تختاره والإجراء الذي ترغب في أن يتخذه المستخدمون.
سجل مع سبيكول، أبرز منصة لإعلانات المحتوى في الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا ودول مجلس التعاون الخليجي.
– بمجرد إنشاء حساب، سيرشدك مدير حساب محترف وذو خبرة ومخصص خلال عملية إعداد شاملة.
– إذا كنت تحاول رفع مستوى الوعي، فيمكنك إنشاء مقالات جذابة وإطلاقها كإعلانات باستخدام عناصر مرئية جذابة وعناوين مثيرة.
– إذا كنت تحاول زيادة التحويلات، فيمكنك إنشاء صفحات هبوط محددة تحتوي على CTAs مباشرة (عبارة تحث المستخدم على اتخاذ إجراء) لحث المستخدمين على اتخاذ الإجراء المطلوب، بما في ذلك التوقيع التواصل أو مشاركة رسائل البريد الإلكتروني الخاصة بهم أو التسجيل للحصول على نشرة إخبارية أو التسجيل في أي رحلة.
اغتنم الفرصة للوصول إلى المستخدمين المهتمين الحريصين على استكشاف وجهات وأنشطة جديدة، باستخدام القناة التسويقية الأكثر حداثة في عصرنا.
كيف تعمل سبيكول؟
نظرة عامة:
سبيكول شبكة رائدة في اكتشاف المحتوى وصناعة الإعلانات الذكية في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا تعتمد على تكنولوجيا حديثة تمكِّن الناشرين من زيادة معدل تفاعل الزوار والربح من محتوى المواقع الإلكترونية، كما تساعد المعلنين على استهداف عملاء جدد والترويج لعلاماتهم التجارية.
ما تتميز به سبيكول هو عرض توصيات مخصصة للعملاء المحتملين أثناء استكشافهم للمحتوى الذي يعكس اهتماماتهم بمختلف الخدمات عبر الإنترنت.
تحقق المنصة للمعلنين زيادة عدد الزيارات والوصول إلى العملاء المحتملين أثناء تصفحهم للمواقع الأكثر شهرة في المنطقة، أبرزها المصري اليوم، والأهرام، ويلا كورة، ومصراوي، والعديد من المواقع الأخرى.
توفر لك منصة سبيكول:
١- خيارات الاستهداف الدقيقة
تتيح استهداف جمهورك باستخدام معايير مختلفة، مثل الموقع الجغرافي، ونظام التشغيل، والناشرين والمنصات والأجهزة.
٢- المرونة في تحديد أهدافك
تمنح المعلنين حرية تحديد أهدافهم الخاصة التي تهدف إلى تعزيز خططهم التجارية والتسويقية، بما في ذلك زيادة الوعي بالعلامة التجارية، وجذب مستخدمين جدد، وزيادة عدد الزيارات، وكسب العملاء المحتملين، وزيادة عمليات الشراء عبر الإنترنت، وغيرها من الأهداف.
٣- تحكم كامل في حملاتك
تتيح بدء حملاتك وإيقافها مؤقتًا واستئنافها وإنهائها والتحكم في إعداداتها، بما في ذلك تكلفة النقرة والميزانية، ومسارها بالإضافة إلى العديد من الميزات والامتيازات الأخرى.
٤- تقارير مفصلة
تقدم لك منصة Speakol تقارير شاملة ودقيقة، تعرض وتقيم جميع قراراتك وتساعدك على تعديل وتعزيز استراتيجيات الحملات لتحقيق نتائج جيدة.
المحرك التنبؤي لدى منصة سبيكول:
تتميز سبيكول بمحرك تنبؤي متقدم للغاية يحلل الكثير من المعلومات التي تم جمعها من ملايين المستخدمين أثناء تصفحهم واستكشاف مواقع الناشرين.
تتضمن هذه المعلومات على سبيل المثال، الموقع الجغرافي والمحتوى والمنصات والأجهزة وأنظمة التشغيل و الموضوعات الشائعة على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي.
يستطيع المحرك تحديد الفروق الدقيقة ويقدم للمعلنين معلومات واضحة ودقيقة تسمح لهم بإنشاء وإدارة حملات ناجحة.
نعرض المقالات الموصي بها للمستخدمين الذين يتصفحون أشهر مواقع الويب في المنطقة. وتظهر عادةً في الجزء السفلي من صفحة الويب.
كيف تعمل عروض منصة سبيكول؟
يقدم المحرك التنبؤي للمعلنين معلومات دقيقة تتيح لهم إنشاء حملات ناجحة وإدارتها.
ولعرض الإعلانات، يمكن للمعلنين أيضًا اختيار منصاتهم المفضلة من بين مجموعة متنوعة من مواقع الناشرين المتميزة.
مكان عرض إعلانات الحملة
مكان عرض الإعلانات يتوقف على أهداف الحملة وموافقة الناشر.
أهداف الحملة:
للمعلنين كامل الحق في تحديد أولويات وأهداف حملاتهم الإعلانية. بناءًا على هذه الأولويات، سيتم عرض الإعلانات، لتحقيق أهدافها. على سبيل المثال، إذا أراد أحد المعلنين استهداف مشتري العقارات في المملكة العربية السعودية، فسيتم عرض إعلانات الحملة لهؤلاء المستخدمين المحددين فقط.
موافقة الناشرين:
بعد اختيار المعلنين للناشرين، يراجع فريق عمل Speakol الإعلانات للتأكد من توافقها مع سياسات مواقع الويب قبل الموافقة على إطلاقها. على سبيل المثال، قد لا يرغب بعض الناشرين في عرض إعلانات سياسية أو إعلانات للبالغين على مواقعهم. في هذه الحالة، ترفض منصة Speakol إطلاق الحملات الإعلانية وتقترح على المعلنين اختيار ناشرين آخرين.
كيف تحافظ على تنافسية إعلانات حملتك؟
يتم تحديث خوارزمية المحرك التنبؤي في منصة Speakol بشكل مستمر لتزويد المستخدمين بإعلانات الحملة الأكثر صلة باهتماماتهم مع مراعاة منافسة المعلنين. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تفحص الخوارزمية عنصرين آخرين، وهما نسبة النقر إلى الظهور و تكلفة النقرة.
١- تشير نسبة النقر إلى الظهور إلى مدى اهتمام المستخدمين بإعلانات حملات المعلنين. لذلك، كلما ارتفعت نسبة النقر إلى الظهور، كلما زاد ترشيح إعلانات حملة المعلن للمستخدمين.
٢- تشير التكلفة مقابل النقرة، إلى المبلغ المالي الذي ترغب في دفعه مقابل كل نقرة. لذلك، كلما ارتفعت تكلفة النقرة، زادت احتمالية ترويج إعلانات حملتك عبر شبكة ناشري منصة سبيكول.
بمجرد زيادة تكلفة النقرة الخاصة بك، فمن المرجح الحصول على المزيد من النقرات لإعلانات حملتك.
● ملاحظة مهمة:
يمكنك كمعلن تقديم عرض تسعير لتكلفة نقرة أقل من منافسيك، وتظل إعلانات حملتك قادرة على المنافسة إذا كانت لديها نسبة نقر إلى ظهور أعلى. لذلك، لا تعتمد المنافسة بالكامل على المعلن الذي يقدم أعلى تكلفة للنقرة؛ إذ أن قيمة تكلفة النقرة ونسبة النقر إلى الظهور متساوية، خاصة أن أحد العوامل يمكنها تعويض الآخر.
Native Advertising, Simply Put.
A simple & 5 min read into what native advertising is and why it’s the latest trend for those looking to sell more and grow their business.

This article has three main parts to describing native advertising:
What it is. How it Works. The Money part.
What is it?
To jump right into it, native advertising is a “non-disruptive” way to sell your products or services by reaching people who are more likely interested in engaging with your advertisement. You have a business idea, a product or service, you’re a small firm or a large well-established business, in any case, you want to sell more, strengthen your market position, increase your brand awareness and ultimately, grow.
Historically, advertising was probably the most efficient way to do that. You want your business to reach as many people as possible, but more accurately, as many interested people as possible, and that’s what we call a qualified lead. Someone who has an interest in buying your product or signing up for your service, as well as the ability to. Even after reaching as many qualified leads as you can, you now face the harder step of converting those leads into customers, and that percentage is what we call conversion rates.
So how do you stand out? Yes, the internet has given way for advertising to reach billions of people around the globe, but the excitement of this advantage has also lead to “disruptive advertisements”. When you’re trying to watch a video on YouTube, or clicking on content you want to view, or even scrolling through an article, you’re bombarded with pop up advertisements that ‘disrupt’ your feed and dis-engages you with what you originally are trying to watch. As a result, more often than not, you probably feel annoyed and just skip the ad or try to get it out of your face as soon as you can without really giving it a chance, even if in reality, this could be a product or service you would be interested in investing it. So there’s a lot of lost opportunities for advertisers because of this.

Hence, the newest adaptation and advertising solution, native advertising.
To put it simply, instead of popping up in your face, the native method is to place ads on widgets, located somewhere on the page you’re viewing in a way that doesn’t disrupt you, on the contrary, it’s listed under “recommended for you”, or “more like this”, or even “more articles you might be interested in”. The point is, your product is now given a fair chance to actually be viewed. Then comes the targeting bonus. If you’re selling a beauty product or service for example, advertising it on a fashion or cosmetics website would usually mean that the millions of viewers going to that website on their own, are probably people who already have an interest towards your content, apply this to anything. At the core of it, native advertising is a way of advertising your product so that it looks like a part of the page you’re viewing it on. Yes, it’s a paid advertisement, but it doesn’t look like that because the widgets and the content advertised in those widgets are both relevant to the platform, as well as designed to blend in with the look and feel of it.
With this, you:
1) Reach millions of viewers every month.
2) Know they are potentially interested since your product is placed on a relevant platform that they are visiting from their own accord.
3) Give your product a chance to be considered because it does not disrupt them, knowing that they freely chose to learn more about you.

Great, so now you know what it is, here’s how it works.
First off, you have to define your target audience, the more accurate the better. Then you need to start creating attractive visuals (picture of video) and come up with engaging captions and titles that also blend in with your product and the platform. After that, its important to link your ad to an aesthetically pleasing and engaging landing page that has all the information a qualified customer needs, as well as a Call to Action (CTA) or submission form to fill out, and a way to reach you. Try to keep it short, sweet and effective.
But how is all this financed? This is the money part.
Basically, publishers agree to have a third party (such as a native ad agency like Speakol) include widgets on their platform, be it a website or application. These widgets contain the ads that you create, whenever a viewer clicks on an ad for example, the publisher receives a certain fee. We’re talking cents, but imagine the thousands of clicks that happen, these cents add up pretty quick and pretty fast to very large numbers. This is what we call Cost per Click (CPC) and is more relevant when you’re goal is to drive conversion rates by having people directed to your linked landing page.
There are other metrics and ways of financing it, such as Cost per Impression (CPM), charged based on how many times your ad was viewed, if your goal is brand awareness. Cost per View (CPV), is you’re launching a video ad and have a goal of wanting your video ad viewed by as many people as possible. As well as Cost per Lead (CPL). Of course, your money comes from your increased sales (and hence, revenue) when these qualified leads are converted into customers, helping you increase your return on investment (ROI) from paying money to launch these ad campaigns.

Account Managers at Speakol are always available to help guide you on best practices, from how to make your ads more engaging, to how to optimize your spending and budget, as well as how to target your ads to the right people, making sure you’re return, is always higher than your investment.
In a new age of advertising, companies all over the world are realizing the value of native advertising, you’ve already been subjected to it by companies such as Facebook or Google, and you might not even be aware of it, & that’s the beauty in it.
So, does all this sound interesting to you? If so, then jump onto the latest advertising solution and join Speakol, the leading AdTech company in the MENA region for native advertising and content recommendation. With the most extensive and premium publishers network in the region, expanding to over 400 websites and applications, we’ll make sure your business starts seeing the growth it deserves, targeting any country or industry you need. With partners and advertisers from every country, industry and background there is.
What are you waiting for? Don’t believe it?
Note from the CEO: Speakol in 2020!

As 2020 draws to an end, we look back at the year’s challenges to learn from our setbacks and plan for the future. The COVID-19 pandemic has taken the world by storm, devastating many companies and affecting many industries, which led to many people losing their jobs, companies, and businesses. To them, our hearts go out. Despite the pandemic’s catastrophic effect, Speakol was able to rise and grow.
As more people started to work remotely and spend more time online, whether reading the news or socializing on various social platforms, businesses had to pivot and address customers on the digital platforms they were using. Nothing could serve marketers better than native advertising; it enables them to promote their products and services in a non-disruptive manner to interested customers who are more likely to engage with the ads. In 2020 alone, Speakol had more than 5500 active campaigns with more than 12 billion impressions securing over 81.5 million clicks and an astounding 0.7% CTR.
Believing in the power of native advertising and the importance of performance-based marketing, we are committed to serving advertisers, publishers, and users alike. We have noticed the importance of optimization and quality performance to advertisers and their need for specialized products during the last year. In response, we are constantly working on broadening our portfolio to acquire more specialized content websites to diversify our network and cater to various industries to serve the ever-increasing number of different advertisers. To sharpen our targeting, we will employ AI to better relate Arabic content and enhance content discovery to improve the user experience and address the gap in the Arabic content market. The precise targeting options will further enable advertisers to pinpoint their desired target audiences, allocate their resources more efficiently, and continuously optimize towards achieving higher ROI.
The MENA region has only witnessed the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the full potential of native advertising. The more technology permeates our lives, the more native advertising will boom. Users will continue to engage less and less with disruptive ads, especially as their attention spans continue to decrease; they will be more inclined to interact with video ads and non-disruptive ads that fit well with the look and feel of the content they are viewing and relevant to their interests and preferences. Native ads will continue to develop to adapt with the ever-evolving media outlets and mediums; for instance, as mobile phones have taken over our lives, we will develop integrated means to provide relevant content and ads that would be sent directly to their phones, based on their chosen preferences and relevancy. The biggest goal will be to provide the most personalized user experience that caters to individual preferences and interests, where content and ads co-exist.
Mahmoud Talaat
CEO of Speakol
Speakol DMCC, the Egyptian Tech Giant, Joins the Global Initiatives to Stop Cyber Crimes and Increase Transparency and Trust in the Digital Advertising Industry

Speakol cements its position as the leading native advertising and content recommendation platform in the GCC and MENA region by joining IAB Europe and TAG. – June 2021.
(Dubai, UAE) – Speakol DMCC, the region’s leading native advertising and content recommendation platform, is proud to announce its approved status as a Native Advertising Platform to join IAB Europe’s Transparency and Consent Framework and Trustworthy Accountability Group. This is a testament to the company’s longstanding commitment to increasing transparency, building trust in the native advertising industry, and providing the best global standards, strengthening Speakol’s aim of expanding its trusted global publisher’s network and solidifying its leading role in the industry.
Speakol DMCC proudly announced its approved status by IAB Europe’s Transparency and Consent Framework. Launched in April 2018, IAB is designed to help all parties in the digital advertising chain comply with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ePrivacy Directive when processing personal data. The Framework collaborates with other organizations and professions to provide transparency to consumers about how, and by whom, their personal data is processed enabling users to express choices. The TCF also notifies advertisers ahead of time whether their own or their partners’ transparency and consent status and allows them to lawfully process personal data for online advertising and related purposes. In addition, the TCF guarantees that publishers can continue to monetize through native advertising while maintaining and protecting consumer privacy.
Speakol DMCC also announced completing the “Verified by TAG” process. Trustworthy Accountability Group is the leading global certification program fighting criminal activity and increasing trust in the digital advertising industry. It aims to eliminate fraudulent traffic, combat malware, prevent Internet piracy, promote greater transparency in digital advertising, and ensure brand safety. It connects industry leaders, analyzing threat intelligence, and sharing best practices.
As a company, Speakol DMCC is invested in ensuring brand safety and considers the IAB and TAG certifications as crucial milestones to guarantee transparency and build trust. Speakol is a 100% Egyptian company established in 2016. The company prides itself on being a homegrown company thriving on its leaders’ vision and its dedicated team’s hard work. In a record time, the company transformed from a local native advertising platform to an industry giant earning the trust and recognition of regional and global advertisers and publishers. Currently 5 years after its foundation, Speakol proved an impressive increase in revenues of 180% YTD in 2021.
Speakol’s in-house built technology parallels and exceeds that of all its competitors; it sets the pace for the industry, acquiring the largest portion of the market share of 46.6% of all monthly unique internet users in the MENA region. Employing the latest technological standards, Speakol earned the international community’s recognition, growing its scope and expanding all over the globe. Its extensive network includes more than 500 premium websites and thousands of advertisers serving more than 150 million unique monthly users and generating a massive 1.5 billion monthly ad impressions.
Mahmoud Talaat, Speakol’s founder and current CEO, expands that “ever since the company’s inception, we have strived to carve a place for ourselves in this industry believing that content recommendation and native advertising offer the best solutions to marketers, publishers, and end-users. We offer the highest eCPM in the region. We are proud of the expansion of our network and confident that these new and formidable partnerships are major steps in maximizing our market share and cementing our position. We are committed to offering the best service to all our partners”.
About Speakol:
Speakol prides itself on being a native advertising and content recommendation platform. Our in-house built technology and the AI implementation allow marketers and publishers to thrive and grant users access to the most personalized content and non-disruptive ads that correspond to their interests. Our network includes more than 500 premium publishers across the globe. Advertisers use Speakol to access our top-notch targeting options, advanced ad customization preferences, detailed reports, and campaign insights to better promote their services and products. While publishers collaborate with us to monetize the traffic and inventory of their websites or applications and drive engagement to their platforms. We collaborate with the region’s top publishers, including AlMasrsry ElYoum, Masrawy, YallaKora, Elconsolto, Sabq, Ajel, Okaz, Times of Oman, Khaleej Times, MSN Arabia, and CNN Arabia.
Learn more about us at www.speakol.com.
Understanding Speakol

Speakol is the largest content discovery platform in the MENA region. The Platform enables publishers to boost users’ engagement and monetize their online presence. At the same time, Speakol aims to enable advertisers to engage and reach out to various audiences in the region. We offer our services at a very cost-effective and scalable level. What Speakol excels at is displaying personalized recommendations to potential customers as they actively explore online content that reflects their interest in various stories or products. Speakol allows advertisers to reach out to potential customers as they surf the region’s most popular websites, including, Sabq., Al Masry Al Youm, Yalla Kora, Masrawy, and Al Ahram among many others.
Speakol offers you:
- Precise Targeting Options:
Speakol allows you to target your audience using different criteria such as location, operating system, or platforms/ devices. - Flexibility in Setting your Goals:
Speakol grants you the freedom to define your own goals that aim to enhance your business and marketing plans, including raising brand awareness, attracting new users, driving more traffic, generating leads, increasing online purchases, and more. - Full control of your campaigns:
Speakol enables you to start, pause, resume, and end your campaigns and control your campaign settings, including CPC and budget, as well as your pace in addition to many more features and perks. - Detailed Reports:
Speakol presents you with comprehensive, transparent reports that document and evaluate all your decisions and helps you modify and enhance your strategies for the campaigns to realize their full potential.
The Speakol Predictive Engine:
Speakol has a highly advanced predictive engine that analyzes tons of real-time information gathered from millions of users as they browse and explore publishers’ websites. Information includes location, context, platforms/ devices, operating systems, and social media trends, to name a few. The engine discerns the subtle nuances and offers you clear, precise information that allows them to create and manage successful campaigns.
Our personalized recommendations appear to users browsing the most popular websites in the region. They are displayed within a customized widget typically placed at the bottom of the articles.
Speakol’s Auction: How Does It Operate?
Speakol’s highly advanced predictive engine grants our advertisers real-time information gathered from millions of users across hundreds of websites. Information, including location, platforms/devices, and operating systems, allows our advertisers to create and manage successful campaigns. Our advertisers can also choose their preferred platforms from a variety of top-notch publisher websites to feature their campaign ads.
Campaign Ads Placement Considerations:
Campaign targeting goals and publisher’s consent are two primary factors that determine where your campaign ads can be displayed.
Campaign Targeting Goals:
Advertisers have full reign when it comes to setting and prioritizing the goals of their ad campaigns. Based on these priorities, campaign ads will be displayed where there is a high probability of them meeting their target. So, for instance, if an advertiser wants to target Real Estate buyers in KSA, the campaign ads will only be displayed to these particular users.
After advertisers settle on their desired publishers, Speakol reviews the ads and ensures that they are compatible with the policies of these particular websites before it can approve their launch. So, for instance, some publishers may not want any political ads or adult material to be displayed on their websites; in these cases, Speakol will refuse to launch these ads and will suggest advertisers consider other publishers.
How to Keep your Campaign Ads Competitive:
Speakol’s predictive engine’s advanced algorithm is continuously regulated to present users with the most relevant campaign ads while taking into consideration advertisers’ competition. In addition to the criteria mentioned above, the algorithm examines two more elements, which are CTR (clickthrough rate), and CPC (cost per click).
- CTR indicates the extent of users’ interest in the advertisers’ campaign ads. Therefore, the higher the CTR, the more the advertiser’s campaign ads will be recommended to users.
- CPC indicates the amount of money you are willing to pay per click. Therefore, the higher the CPC, the more likely your campaign ads will be promoted across the Speakol publishers’ network, which renders them more trendy. Once you increase your CPC, you are more likely to garner more clicks to your campaign ads.
* Important Note:
You, as an advertiser, may bid a lower CPC than your competition, but your campaign ads may still be able to compete if they have a higher CTR. Competition, therefore, does not entirely rest on which advertiser has the highest CPC; both CPC and CTR are of equal value, especially since one factor can compensate for the other.
How Can Your Travel Brand Boost Awareness and Increase Sales with Speakol’s Native Ads this Summer

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has undeniably changed the world. It had a severe impact on the global economy, but a few sectors have been affected as much as the travel industry. Bookings were down by 95% at the height of the pandemic, as entire nations were ordered to remain in lockdown, airlines went bankrupt, and travel companies and hotels laid off massive amounts of workers.
The prolonged period of lockdown has increased people’s sense of adventure and search for escapism. With new air corridors opening and better testing protocols, and vaccination rollout is finally and thankfully well underway, it seems like the world is starting to get back on its feet. Global research indicates that people have a strong desire to travel, with more than 70% of people planning their next trip. So clearly, travel is beginning to recover in stages – first locally, domestically, and internationally. Still, multiple factors will influence travel, such as social distancing on planes, different entry requirements from country to country, and vaccine rollouts, to name a few.
So after over a year of lockdown, what will travelers look for in planning their next trip??
- Seek out “ecotourism” with minimal impact on the planet.
- Look forward to “wellness-tourism” that will leave people feeling better and relaxed.
- Safely engage with local communities in an attempt to form human connections.
- Look for “workstations” where work can be combined with vacations, especially for longer trips. [the average length of stay has doubled from 5 to 10 nights]
- Opt for “challenging trips” seeking adventure and new local experiences.
- Request travel reassurances that their bookings will be protected if policies and restriction measures change.
The world is experiencing a new kind of travel with the increased number of digital nomads, where people are working remotely with no rush to head back to the office. They also have a new experience-driven travel mentality; after being cooped up in their homes for months, people want to explore new places, cultures, landscapes, cuisines, activities and reconnect with nature.
So if you have a Travel brand or agency that has been idle for a while and want to market your new destinations and activities to users, there is no better time to promote your business than NOW. Remember that 78% of travelers stated that informative content provided by travel brands has influenced their purchase decisions, while 46% claimed that travel ads had the same influence; not only that but 40% of travel bookings are done via phones. Since travelers always check the internet before planning any trip, you should address and target them as they browse their most trusted publishers. You do not have to be an airline or a hotel chain to leverage your brand with native advertising. Native advertising platforms offer an effective way to promote your business regardless of its size.
You need to incorporate Native Advertising in your marketing strategy because it will allow you to:
- Connect you with engaged readers as they read and browse their most trusted publishers online.
- Display non-disruptive ads to interested users, which renders them more likely to engage with your ad.
- Achieve any marketing goal you have, including raising your brand awareness, driving traffic, and increasing conversions.
- Enable you to target users based on their location (region, country, and city), devices, and ISPS.
- Target particular article categories and publishers such as travel websites or sections and articles on premium websites.
- Use the algorithms that build comprehensive interest maps for each user based on their interests and reading history, which means you can reach more qualified users.
- Cross target audience who may be interested in other topics besides travel. For instance, you can promote your trips to Turkey to readers interested in Turkish drama or series.
- Reach readers on their mobile phones. Dedicate ad campaigns targeting mobile phones where 40% of bookings take place.
- Pique readers’ interest by providing relevant, interactive, engaging content using video ads that offer visual engagement and story.
How can you start your Travel Ad Campaign?
- Define the budget you are willing to allocate for native advertising.
- Define your objective clearly because it will affect the type of ad you choose and the action you would like your users to take.
- Register with Speakol, the most prominent native ads platform in the MENA and GCC.
- Once you create an account, a professional, experienced and dedicated account manager will guide you through a thorough onboarding process.
- If you are trying to raise awareness, you can create engaging blog articles and run them as ads using captivating visuals and exciting titles.
- If you are trying to drive conversions, you can create specific landing pages with direct CTAs (call-to-action) to prompt users to take the desired action, including signing up, sharing their emails, registering for a newsletter, or registering for any trip.
Seize the opportunity to reach interested users eager to explore new destinations and activities, using the trendiest marketing channel of our time.