This article discusses Speakol’s recommended best practices towards creating your titles and thumbnails.

Your adsets include one or more campaign ads, made up of titles and images. Each campaign ad has a unique title and a thumbnail, image, which usually appears underneath the text. Both the title and image should be designed to draw in the users you aim to reach and offer them a compelling previewing of what awaits them on your landing page.
Designing captivating images and phrasing smart, witty titles can substantially boost your CTR (click-through rate), whereas poorly designed and written ones can immensely affect your campaign’s performance.
The title should brightly present the idea of the content of your landing page; the title should communicate the tone, style, and nature of what the user is about to see. The title should be clear and engaging to incite users to click on your campaign ad.
Tips to Create Eye-Catching Titles:
- Your title should be a powerful targeting tool that calls on your audiences or highlights your product.
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Here is Why People Love Brands - Begin your title with an eye-catching statement.
How Bad Customer Service Can Hurt Your Business
How Great Time Management Can Boost Your Productivity - Numbered lists can motivate users to read an article.
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Reveal the top 10 Songs of the Decade - Intrigue and Mystery can also draw in more readers
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Longer Hours of Sleep Will Make You Happier - Capitalize the title of your article as you would an article’s headline.
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Pictures speak louder than words. So no matter how enticing your words are, users will tend to look at the thumbnails first. Therefore, you must use engaging and exciting thumbnails for your campaign ads to boost user engagement.
We do encourage you to employ A/B Testing and try out different combinations and variations of titles and thumbnails to better assess their performance. To learn more about A/B Testing, check this page.
Tips to Add the Most Creative Thumbnails:
- It is preferable to use people at the center of your thumbnail. You can place them at medium zoom from the shoulders up.
- Use clean, clear images with a single focus rather than confuse the reader with useless details.
- Employ eye-catching colors that are bound to grab the users’ attention
- Use original unique pictures and avoid clipart and brand logos.