Native advertising is undoubtedly securing its position as one of the most effective online advertising solutions that countless brands, companies, and startups seek. When optimized and launched effectively, the results speak for themselves.
Native advertising allows you to reach millions of qualified leads, be it Marketing or Sales qualified, who are likely to engage with your ad due to its display on relevant platforms. The more qualified the leads, the higher the likelihood that they would convert into users. With this, it’s not difficult to see a high return on your ad campaign investment.
But like many great solutions, running an effective campaign is a science and an art, whether it’s how you spend your budget, what creative visuals and titles you choose, or the user experience your customer goes through on your landing page. There are always best practices to follow, but even with that, here are 3 of the most common mistakes people make that can easily harm your ads’ potential performance that you’re looking for.
1) Unconcise Or Inaccurate Phrasing.
Don’t use excessively and unnecessary elongated & sophisticated strings of words to form a sentence that should propagate and glorify your product in a manner that you deem appealing to those you want to pay you for your product or service but could be misleading or causing of those potential users to misunderstand or misjudge your business when you can cut it short and keep it sweet.
Remember, users shoot the messenger, who, in this case, happens to be you. Besides the obvious advice of “being creative,” make sure your titles and captions are short, to the point, and is clear on what is exactly you are selling. You’re not writing a blog or a thesis; it’s not even an elevator pitch. Your title should be a one-liner that clearly conveys your product, your goal at the time, and your desired call to action. A bonus note to always make sure you follow is proofreading and making sure your message is written by a fluent speaker taking into account proper grammar and audience dialect.
2) First Impressions Matter.
The most common practice for native advertising is to post a visual of your product or service linked to a landing page containing all the relevant information about your product, a registration/sign up form or CTA, and a contact method. What many advertisers look over, however, is making sure that the visual used for the ad is relevant to the landing page it is linked to.
Many users will click on an ad thinking one thing (based on the visual you chose) and then arrive at a very different reality once they are directed to the landing page. This causes confusion and disorientation, and more likely than not will cause the user to close the page immediately, reporting to you an unnecessary high bounce rate.
3) The Key Word: Optimization
The first draft is always the worst. We have found most people run their ads and leave them on the side, expecting to see returns instantly. However, the biggest factor in the success of your campaigns is to constantly optimize it. What does that mean? It means constant monitoring of the performance, checking the number of qualified leads, assessing how your money is spent, regularly monitoring your cost per lead (CPL), and click-through rate (CTR), and always changing and amending your campaigns based on what insights reveal.
It’s important to always look at your Click Through Rate (CTR), see which ad sets or campaigns need more or less spending, making changes to your landing page as required. Don’t forget, optimization is a process and requires patience, and the key factor is constant testing; it’s based on continuous trial and error and “optimizing” based on your findings. Luckily, advertisers with Speakol gain many insights from our reports and statistics that give them a clear, macro, and micro view of everything. Our Account Managers are always there to help improve your performance and are regularly monitoring your campaign to advise on necessary changes to help you optimize your campaign.
Speakol is the MENA region’s largest platform in native advertising and content discovery, helping advertisers promote their products and services on a premium network of over 500 websites that gain traffic of over 90 million unique monthly views. Our network serves all industries, and we direct your traffic to any country in the world you need, using smart targeting and AI solutions to help you get the most out of your campaigns.
So, looking to grow your business and boost sales? Do you have a product or service you want to capitalize on and sell? Are you trying to reach more qualified leads that would secure a more substantial conversion rate?