Post Click Optimization Strategies

8 Simple Steps to Boost Post Click Performance
If you aim to sell your product, securing clicks is not necessarily your primary goal, your objective, however, is targeting serious users who will take action on your landing pages. In this sense, optimizing users’ post-click action takes precedence over all other criteria. This action can include giving contact details, purchasing a product, signing up for a service, completing a video, or page views.
To help you achieve your goal, we have put together a few strategies to motivate users to take action on your landing pages.
- Set User Expectations:
If your campaign ad, including title and thumbnail, set a certain expectation, your landing page must meet it. Otherwise, your user will feel cheated and annoyed for landing on an unrelated page and eventually close the page. - Use Action Words:
Adding a call to action to your title will only invite interested people to click and motivate them to take action. - A/B Test Different Action Words:
While someone may not be willing to sign up for a paid service, he may be willing to give a trial a chance. Therefore, you must try different action words and vary the degree of commitment required to motivate users to click and convert. - Retarget Users:
By retargeting users, you are targeting users who are most likely to convert into customers. Retarget them with a title including a strong call to action. - Try Include the Price:
When your goal is to sell a product, try adding the price to your title. This strategy ensures that users who click on your campaign ads are already willing to pay the price, which increases the chance for conversion. - Include Limited Time Offers:
People usually react to limited-time offers. So add the time limit to your title, and see the number of users, who click on your campaign ads, convert into customers soar. - Be Specific:
Be specific and include your most unique and valuable selling point in your campaign ad’s title. This will motivate users who would like to use your product or service. - Target your Intended Audience:
Identify your target audience and call them to action in the title and thumbnail of your campaign ad. Make it relevant to the people you aim to target. This will eventually increase your click-through rate and ensure a higher conversion rate.
Mobile App Campaigns Best Practices

If you are aiming to generate more downloads of your mobile app, we believe that this article will give you some valuable tips that are bound to boost your numbers. Read more about enhancing your title, thumbnail, brand name, and general campaign best practices.
App Download Best Practices:
- Use an informative brand text. Tell your users that instead of being directed to a landing page, they will be directed to an app store experience, whether Google Play or Apple Store.
- Use the right keywords to filter potential customers. Use action words like “download” to refine your pool. Words like “download” may only attract potential customers which will lower your CTR, which will lower your CTR but will definitely raise your conversion rate.
- Formulate descriptive headlines. Emphasize and sum up what the app does and highlight its value in a few words. This ensures that interested users will click on your campaign ad and will be more likely to convert into customers.
- Emphasize the value of your app to motivate users to download it. Remember that you need to highlight the reason why users should download your app.
- If your app is free there is no need to mention it. If there is a fee, then mention the price in the headline.
- Test the efficacy of your wording. Try different combinations and keywords in your headline.
- Use A/B Testing to assess how users interact with the headline. Retest new creative headlines every 2-4 weeks.
- Split your iOS and Android campaigns, since users of the two operating systems tend to behave differently. This allows the Speakol algorithm to gain insights and empower you with precise data for your campaigns to further enhance your campaigns.
- Increase the CPC for your iOS campaign. Although iOS may have a higher CPI (Consumer Price Index), they often have better post-installation performance.
- Experiment with using landing pages with a more detailed description of your app before directly leading users to the app store.
Titles and Images
This article discusses Speakol’s recommended best practices towards creating your titles and thumbnails.

Your adsets include one or more campaign ads, made up of titles and images. Each campaign ad has a unique title and a thumbnail, image, which usually appears underneath the text. Both the title and image should be designed to draw in the users you aim to reach and offer them a compelling previewing of what awaits them on your landing page.
Designing captivating images and phrasing smart, witty titles can substantially boost your CTR (click-through rate), whereas poorly designed and written ones can immensely affect your campaign’s performance.
The title should brightly present the idea of the content of your landing page; the title should communicate the tone, style, and nature of what the user is about to see. The title should be clear and engaging to incite users to click on your campaign ad.
Tips to Create Eye-Catching Titles:
- Your title should be a powerful targeting tool that calls on your audiences or highlights your product.
Here is Why Parents Send Their Kids to Boarding Schools
Here is Why People Love Brands - Begin your title with an eye-catching statement.
How Bad Customer Service Can Hurt Your Business
How Great Time Management Can Boost Your Productivity - Numbered lists can motivate users to read an article.
Discover 5 Ways to Save Money
Reveal the top 10 Songs of the Decade - Intrigue and Mystery can also draw in more readers
The Real Secret to Long Life May Intrigue You
Longer Hours of Sleep Will Make You Happier - Capitalize the title of your article as you would an article’s headline.
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Pictures speak louder than words. So no matter how enticing your words are, users will tend to look at the thumbnails first. Therefore, you must use engaging and exciting thumbnails for your campaign ads to boost user engagement.
We do encourage you to employ A/B Testing and try out different combinations and variations of titles and thumbnails to better assess their performance. To learn more about A/B Testing, check this page.
Tips to Add the Most Creative Thumbnails:
- It is preferable to use people at the center of your thumbnail. You can place them at medium zoom from the shoulders up.
- Use clean, clear images with a single focus rather than confuse the reader with useless details.
- Employ eye-catching colors that are bound to grab the users’ attention
- Use original unique pictures and avoid clipart and brand logos.
What is Cost Per Lead (CPL)?

Once a user takes a desired action on your landing page, conversion occurs. A user or potential customer converts into a customer. This customer may have purchased a product, signed up for a particular service, read a certain number of pages, signed up his email, or taken any action that you, as a business owner, deem valuable to your business and contribute to realizing your marketing targets.
The Cost Per Lead (CPL) is the amount you pay each time an action occurs on your landing page.
Set up and Monitor Your CPL Goal:
Your CPL is a significant number to monitor, for it demonstrates the value clicks are adding to your business. Therefore, you should continuously compare your current CPL and your desired CPL ( the optimal cost per lead).
If your CPL is too high and the cost of each action is too expensive, you need to optimize and reduce your CPL. On the other hand, if your CPL is too low and you find you can afford to pay more for a lead, we encourage you to raise your CPL to give your brand more opportunities to shine and win over more valuable clicks.
To manage your CPL, we recommend that you implement the Speakol conversion tracking code on your website.
How to Calculate your CPL?
What significantly affects your CPL is both the cost per click (CPC) and conversion rate. Your CPC is the amount you pay every time a user actively clicks on one of your campaign ads. Your conversion rate is the frequency by which users who actively click on your campaign ads go one to become actual paying customers or take action on your landing pages.
Excluding all other factors, once your CPC increases, so will your CPL; once your CPC decreases, so will your CPL. In the same manner, if your conversion rate increases, your CPL will decrease, and if your conversion rate decreases, your CPL will increase.
You can calculate your CPL by dividing the total amount of money spent by the number of leads. For instance, if you spend $1000 and you get 20 conversions, your CPL is $50.
Defining and Measuring Your Goals

Before launching your Speakol campaign, you must identify and define your campaign goals. Try to set your goals as specific as possible, because the more you do, the better your campaign will perform, and the more likely it will succeed.
This article will offer you a few examples of goals that you may want to consider and measure for your Speakol campaigns.
Raising Brand Awareness:
If you aim to drive traffic to your website, you need to raise brand awareness. You need to figure out how to promote your business as a whole, and inform the public of your new products and featured services.
Once you decide that this is the primary goal you mean to achieve, you can start monitoring some of these metrics to assess your campaign’s performance:
- Viewable impressions
- Number of clicks/ visitors
- vCTR ( Viewable Clickthrough Rate)
- Unique Visitors
Driving Conversions:
If you aim to generate actions on your landing pages, you need to focus on driving conversions. Conversions may vary to include filling out forms, setting up an account, purchasing a product, or registering for a service. To achieve your goal, you must ensure that your landing page is inviting, engaging, and user-friendly. To learn more about landing pages best practices, please visit our page.
You need to monitor some of the bellow metrics to assess and measure the performance of your ad campaign:
- Conversions
- CVR (Conversion Rate)
- CPL (Cost Per Lead)
- ROI (Return on Investment)
- ROAS (Return on Ad Spend)
To keep track of your conversion rate, implement Speakol’s tracking code on your website. The tracking code will offer you deep insight into how potential customers behave on your website, which allows you to keep developing and enhancing your landing page until it realizes its full potential.
Increase User-Engagement:
Once your website is driving traffic, the next step will be to consider how many pages the average user goes through per visit and determine the amount of time he/she spends on your website. Some metrics that you should monitor will include:
- The number of clicks
- Pages viewed per visit
- Time user spent on the website
- Rate of returning visitors
Boosting Video Views:
If you do have a video on your website, and you would like to track and assess its performance, you must monitor these metrics.
1. The number of video views
2. The Percentage of video completion
3. The number of video completions
Increasing Mobile App Installation:
To track your ad campaign’s performance, you may want to track how many app installs took place as a result of your campaign.
To measure the success of such a campaign, you need to monitor the following metrics:
- The number of installed apps
- The number of in-app actions
- CPI (Cost Per Installations), or CPL (Cost Per Lead)
- CVR (Conversion Rate)
- ROI (Return on Investment)
- ROAS (Return on Ad Spend)
To help you monitor your progress, we do advise that you implement the Speakol mobile app install or in-app action trackers.
How long will it take for me to achieve my goals?
Since monitoring and optimizing your campaign is a process, it can take up to a few weeks until you achieve your goals. Don’t rush; be patient. Based on the reports you receive, you can A/B tests, implement changes, and make sound informed decisions to enhance your performance and drive results. It may take some time, but we promise you you will be happy with the results.
Celebrating World Photography Day with Amr Essam

Say cheese!
It’s a communication method, an industry, and for some, it’s even a profession. But it’s also so much more than that. Photography has been around since the inception of the camera in 1819; it has allowed everyone to experience the world from the photographer’s perspective.
On this day, August 19th, the world celebrates World Photography Day and gives credit to the artistic visionaries who have communicated their emotions, experiences, and moments.
We all rely on photos to document memories, make decisions about where we eat, or which hotel to stay in. Platforms, such as Instagram and Pinterest, have built empires atop this expressive world.
We talked to a colleague at Speakol, Amr Essam, our Product Manager by day and Photography Enthusiast by … well all the time. He shared his journey with us and gave us his take on why Photography well deserves a day of celebration.
“My journey with photography started ever since i was 6 years old, back when we were still using those small film cameras. I enjoyed taking pictures of my family during birthdays or gatherings, and when I went on trips with my schoolmates. I felt like it was a great way to document moments in an exciting way that would stay with me forever. I loved the idea of looking at a picture that reminds you of a happy memory, or seeing the happiness on someone’s face when you take a beautiful picture of them and gifting them with a memory that would last a lifetime. I especially enjoyed documenting nature’s beauty and capturing breathtaking scenery where ever I was.

As I grew older, my enthusiasm and my thirst to learn the techniques of photography grew even more. I started noticing and capturing elements such as the clouds’ movement, the shapes, and shadows of trees, or the colors of the sunset. I found myself delving deeper and taking a more professional direction, reading online and watching tutorials on aspects such as lighting, shutter speeds, and absolutely everything that affects how a picture comes out, all the while practicing through mobile cameras.
I’m always on the move, whether it is traveling within Egypt, abroad, or even taking days off from work specifically to go out and start clicking away. I love visiting Old Cairo or Moaz Street and documenting the beautiful architecture that is all around.
At this point, I invested in buying a professional camera that i practically take with me everywhere I go. I started to learn how to edit pictures to bring out the real beauty of colors and elements of nature. I wanted to highlight the beauty of everything I saw.
Eventually, I shared my work on Adobe Stock and entered competitions. I’m not particularly into wedding photography; I’m more interested in landscapes, architecture, shadows, and street photography. National Geographic inspired me a lot, if I’m honest.”
So we wondered, what would it be like if photography was never invented?
“Pictures are not essays; they enable you to see what words, but allow you interpret them with your own emotions. Photography shows you different parts of the world, and more importantly, through different time periods. It enables us to document history and better understand how people live and experience life. It started with paintings, but photography has given us more details and accuracy. Some people can poetically describe a scene, but I think you can share more through an image. I love how people can feel differently about the same picture, and I’ve noticed this when I look at the comments on my Instagram profile.”

Everyone’s journey is different, and so are their lessons. So we asked Amr what his advice is to people who are still new to this world:
“You have to express things in your own way; be inspired but don’t try to copy anyone else, the best way to stay original is to be yourself. Don’t stick to one form either, look at different photos, and gain a deeper understanding. Technically speaking, I’d give 4 recommendations:
1) Always try to include more depth and dimensions in your pictures. It just gives a greater feel.
2) Have one main objective and ensure that everything around it merely supports it, so that it’s the first thing a viewer’s eyes lies on.
3) Lighting, lighting, lighting! Day time is a great time to take pictures. But if you see an object that is brighter than everything around it during nighttime, take this picture; it can turn into of the most mesmerizing images you ever take.
4) The more the curvature in the surface, the more the variance.
Finally, we asked Amr if there is someone specific he admires or is inspired by and if there anything specific he hopes to one day capture.
“I generally love getting ideas and looking at images published by National Geographic. However, if I were to choose someone specific, I’d say it would be Ameen Qaisaran, a spiritual photographer I personally admire. One day, i’d love to take a picture of the Northern Lights.”
Amr’s incredible work can be found on his Instagram Account or his Adobe Stock Profile

Understanding Speakol

Speakol is the largest content discovery platform in the MENA region. The Platform enables publishers to boost users’ engagement and monetize their online presence. At the same time, Speakol aims to enable advertisers to engage and reach out to various audiences in the region. We offer our services at a very cost-effective and scalable level. What Speakol excels at is displaying personalized recommendations to potential customers as they actively explore online content that reflects their interest in various stories or products. Speakol allows advertisers to reach out to potential customers as they surf the region’s most popular websites, including, Sabq., Al Masry Al Youm, Yalla Kora, Masrawy, and Al Ahram among many others.
Speakol offers you:
- Precise Targeting Options:
Speakol allows you to target your audience using different criteria such as location, operating system, or platforms/ devices. - Flexibility in Setting your Goals:
Speakol grants you the freedom to define your own goals that aim to enhance your business and marketing plans, including raising brand awareness, attracting new users, driving more traffic, generating leads, increasing online purchases, and more. - Full control of your campaigns:
Speakol enables you to start, pause, resume, and end your campaigns and control your campaign settings, including CPC and budget, as well as your pace in addition to many more features and perks. - Detailed Reports:
Speakol presents you with comprehensive, transparent reports that document and evaluate all your decisions and helps you modify and enhance your strategies for the campaigns to realize their full potential.
The Speakol Predictive Engine:
Speakol has a highly advanced predictive engine that analyzes tons of real-time information gathered from millions of users as they browse and explore publishers’ websites. Information includes location, context, platforms/ devices, operating systems, and social media trends, to name a few. The engine discerns the subtle nuances and offers you clear, precise information that allows them to create and manage successful campaigns.
Our personalized recommendations appear to users browsing the most popular websites in the region. They are displayed within a customized widget typically placed at the bottom of the articles.
Speakol’s Auction: How Does It Operate?
Speakol’s highly advanced predictive engine grants our advertisers real-time information gathered from millions of users across hundreds of websites. Information, including location, platforms/devices, and operating systems, allows our advertisers to create and manage successful campaigns. Our advertisers can also choose their preferred platforms from a variety of top-notch publisher websites to feature their campaign ads.
Campaign Ads Placement Considerations:
Campaign targeting goals and publisher’s consent are two primary factors that determine where your campaign ads can be displayed.
Campaign Targeting Goals:
Advertisers have full reign when it comes to setting and prioritizing the goals of their ad campaigns. Based on these priorities, campaign ads will be displayed where there is a high probability of them meeting their target. So, for instance, if an advertiser wants to target Real Estate buyers in KSA, the campaign ads will only be displayed to these particular users.
After advertisers settle on their desired publishers, Speakol reviews the ads and ensures that they are compatible with the policies of these particular websites before it can approve their launch. So, for instance, some publishers may not want any political ads or adult material to be displayed on their websites; in these cases, Speakol will refuse to launch these ads and will suggest advertisers consider other publishers.
How to Keep your Campaign Ads Competitive:
Speakol’s predictive engine’s advanced algorithm is continuously regulated to present users with the most relevant campaign ads while taking into consideration advertisers’ competition. In addition to the criteria mentioned above, the algorithm examines two more elements, which are CTR (clickthrough rate), and CPC (cost per click).
- CTR indicates the extent of users’ interest in the advertisers’ campaign ads. Therefore, the higher the CTR, the more the advertiser’s campaign ads will be recommended to users.
- CPC indicates the amount of money you are willing to pay per click. Therefore, the higher the CPC, the more likely your campaign ads will be promoted across the Speakol publishers’ network, which renders them more trendy. Once you increase your CPC, you are more likely to garner more clicks to your campaign ads.
* Important Note:
You, as an advertiser, may bid a lower CPC than your competition, but your campaign ads may still be able to compete if they have a higher CTR. Competition, therefore, does not entirely rest on which advertiser has the highest CPC; both CPC and CTR are of equal value, especially since one factor can compensate for the other.
E-Commerce Campaigns Best Practices

When running a campaign for your business, it’s always great to learn from other people’s experiences. We’ve compiled some of the best practices to keep in mind and follow, to help you get the most out of your awesome campaign.
There are three primary campaign goals that you need to keep in mind.
- Raise Brand Awareness: You need to introduce and promote your brand to your target audience. By raising awareness, you are more likely to maximize clicks and drive traffic.
- Lead Generation: Ensure that your campaign is meeting expectations by securing leads.
- Drive Traffic & Increase Purchases
1. Awareness:
When your primary goal is to create and raise brand awareness, your overall strategy needs to focus on maximizing your clicks. You need to create campaign ads that are directly related to your product and have a broad appeal to win over more users. This strategy will ensure you are targeting the right users who are more likely to become potential customers.
To help you create your brand awareness campaigns ads, we will show you a few examples that have successfully broadened brands’ appeal and targeted users.
Best Practices:
- Use exciting and engaging content such as videos and photos.
- Use photo galleries, which have proven to generate the highest clickthrough rates, and present a great way to showcase and feature your products.
- Create opportunities for users to interact with your products.
- Create your landing pages in a way that is easy to interact with and navigate.
2. Lead Generation:
If your primary goal is to increase your potential customers interested in your product, you will need to heavily focus on generating more leads. You can start by creating campaign ads that highlight the value and uniqueness of your product.
To help you generate more leads, we will show you a few examples that have succeeded in engaging users, generated more clicks and leads. Here, you need to focus on your titles; titles need to specifically promote the products and describe their nature to generate serious quality leads.
Best Practices:
- Encourage the user to sign up or actively engage with your landing page by offering a significant discount or bonus service for his/her cooperation.
- Include mobile campaign ads since they tend to have a lower cost per lead (CPL)
- Create campaign ads that highlight the value of your product.
3. Increase Purchasing:
If your goal is to increase purchasing, your campaign ads and landing pages need to highlight your product’s value and ensure that users engage and interact with them. You need to motivate them to make an active decision and purchase your product or service.
To help you increase your profit, we will share a few examples that have succeeded in motivating users subscribing to services or purchasing products. Make it your number one priority to create a necessity and highlight your brand’s benefits and value.
Best Practices:
- Ensure that the titles and images of your campaign ads and your landing pages work together to achieve your goal, driving traffic, and increasing purchasing.
- Give users multiple opportunities to shop.
- Link your product images to landing pages with integrated calls to action that facilitates online purchasing.
A/B Testing

A/B Testing is a means to assess your performance, and consequently boost your sales and conversion rates. A/B Testing is primarily an experiment where two or more variants of a campaign variable are shown to users at random; statistical analysis is employed to determine which variation performs better for a given conversion goal.
Some campaign variables that you can test are titles, thumbnails, and landing pages. After testing different variables and determining the best performing combination of a campaign ad, you can redirect your budget and spend it on the campaign ad that drives the best performance and meets your marketing goals.
How to A/B Test:
- Choose the campaign variable you want to test. We recommend that you test one variable at a time so that you can better assess its performance.
- Create two or more Adsets with different combinations, including the one variable you are testing. For instance, if you are testing three different titles for the same product, we recommend setting up three different Adsets with the exact same settings, including a budget, CPC, targeting options, thumbnails, and landing pages, you simply change the titles.
- Run the adsets for a week or two (7-14 days).
- Using Speakol’s reports, analyze the results of all running adsets.
- Based on the results, you can optimize and choose to run the best-performing combination.
Here is a list of campaign variables you may want to track and assess:
- Titles
- Images
- Landing pages
- Devices
- Location
5 Steps to Create and Optimize Your Landing Page

If your goal is to drive conversion through your Speakol campaigns, you must invest time and effort in creating your landing page.
Landing Pages are where your users are directed once they click on one of your campaign ads. The better the user experience the landing page provides, the smoother it will be for users to navigate the page, find the information they need, and eventually, sign up for a service or purchase a product.
Here are some tips that can help you achieve better results:
Write your Content:
- Inform First, Sell Second:
For first time users visiting your page, you need to clearly introduce your service or showcase your products. Your primary focus should be on communicating with your users rather than drowning them in marketing content; otherwise, you risk losing your potential customers. - Be Precise:
Directly introduce your service or product. Let your visitors know what it is and what its value is. Make a good argument as to why they should register, employ your service, or buy your product.
Design your Page:
- Keep it Brief:
Keep your written content brief ranging from 400-600 words. This is more than enough to introduce your service or product and win over the user without risking any confusion or repetition. - Keep it Simple:
Ensure that your design is simple and engaging. - Make it Readable:
Highlight the headlines. Write short, clear, engaging paragraphs. Ensure that the font you are using is readable. - Choose the Right Image:
Insert an exciting picture that reflects the content either at the beginning or in the middle of your page. Ensure that it does not take up the page’s whole width, so the reader knows there is more content underneath.
User Experience:
- Smartly Add Links:
If there is a need to add a link to an external page, make sure that the new link opens in a new tab or window, so that your user can easily return to your page. - Pop:
Note that users usually close pop up windows before reading them. Therefore, if there is a need to add a pop-up window, make sure that it is triggered after the user is fully engaged with your landing page.
CTA (Call To Action) Do’s and Don’ts
A. Location:
- Around one third down your page, you can add a hyperlinked text in a separate row to encourage people to take action. This is considered a mildly aggressive CTA.
- You can place your primary CTA immediately below the body of your article.
- Do not place your primary CTA on the right rail of your desktop or below share buttons and/or comments; otherwise, there is a risk that users will completely miss the button.
B. Copy
- Tell the user why he/she should take action
- Give the user an incentive to take action. A discount, price quote, or other added value will help motivate the users and increase your conversions.
- Don’t confuse users with multiple actions. Your CTA should focus on one primary action.
- Use precise action-oriented language so that the user knows exactly what to expect once he presses the CTA button. Words like “Buy” and “Sign up” are better than other vague, unclear words.
C. Format:
- Explore creative ways to gamify your action. Use a quiz format, for instance, to motivate the users to follow through and take action.
- Avoid creating the CTA in a banner form. Many times, users completely overlook banners and ignore them altogether.
- Do not add a CTA in the footer. Users will be more likely to miss it.
Tips and Tricks:
- You need to regularly A/B Test major elements on your landing page to ensure that you can achieve the desired conversion rate.
- Experiment with new formats and continue to be creative and innovative. Use videos, photo galleries, games, and other unique content to attract more users.